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Written by Susan Cottrel – Physiotherapist and Owner of The Body Refinery


This is the most common question I am asked in my business. My standard answer is “8 times a month, but it depends what else you are doing and what your goals are”.  Pilates can be done every day and I believe that you should do Pilates so you that you are better at all the activities you do in life, whether that be lifting weights, carrying your baby, lifting your grandchild, playing golf etc. I can’t sit in front of my computer doing my writing each day without having done my Pilates.

Recently, my husband had a nasty episode of back pain, and following treatment, he re-commenced his Pilates twice a week but found he wasn’t completely affecting the change he wanted to see or feel. He felt great after his session, but by the next day, the improvement wasn’t always maintained. I suggested that twice a week wasn’t sufficient to achieve the changes he wanted to see and feel. After increasing his Pilates to 3-5 times per week, he started to see the change and maintain his changes.

Simply put, if you are doing Pilates once a week, it isn’t enough to achieve the significant benefits that Pilates can provide. Sure, once a week is better than not doing any, but you won’t experience significant changes in your body, or decrease your pain; you won’t actually be getting stronger or more flexible.


I often hear that people can’t commit to twice/thrice a week because they travel for work etc. My advice is to structure your month around Pilates, especially if you are feeling the benefit and seeing the outcome. For example, if you are aiming to do Pilates at least 8 times per month, it may be best to have a Pilates session 3 times a week, so that if you are away for a few days, and/or sick and/or just have “one of those weeks” where you can’t make it to your usual session, at least you should still be getting your 8 sessions in. If you know you have a busy week or month, plan to get some extra sessions in when you can, because when you’re sitting for longer (at your desk, in a car or plane), or feeling stressed, that’s when Pilates can be most beneficial, in terms of keeping your body moving to prevent injury/pain and also just to have some time to focus on you and your health.

We want to help you do your Pilates regularly so you see and feel your goals. The Body Refinery has an app that allows you to manage and schedule your appointments (or you can use our website), to ensure you are getting your minimum 8 sessions per month. We also have an Online Pilates Studio that allows you to do a mat class in the comfort of your home, hotel room, or even in the park or at the beach!


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Book today to experience the benefits of Pilates through our App or on 07 3358 3915.

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